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General Chemistry

General Chemistry

General chemistry courses often taught at the high school and introductory university level and are intended to serve as a broad introduction to a variety of concepts in chemistry. These are textbooks and textmaps are designed to address General chemistry course formulated with different organizations and levels.

Chemistry 1e 
Chemistry 2e 
Chemistry - Atom First 2e (OpenStax)
Map: Chemistry - The Central Science
(Brown et al.)
Map: A Molecular Approach (Tro)
ChemPRIME (Moore et al.)
Structure & Reactivity in Organic, Biological and Inorganic Chemistry (Schaller)
Chem 1
Concept Development Studies in Chemistry (Hutchinson)
Map: Principal of Modern Chemistry
(Oxtoby et al.)
Map: General Chemistry
(Petrucci et al.)
Book: General Chemistry - An Atoms First Approach
Chemistry - Atoms First 1e (OpenStax)
Interactive Chemistry 
(Moore, Zhou, and Garand)
CLUE: Chemistry, Life, the Universe, and everything
Chemical Principals 
The Video Textbook of General Chemistry 
General Chemistry 
Supplement (Eames)
Map: Chemistry - The Molecular nature of Matter and Change (Silberberg)
Map: Chemistry
(Zumdahl & Decoste)
Map: Structure and Properties (Tro)
Map: General Chemistry: Principles, Pattern, and Applications (Averil)
Map: Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity (Kotz et al.)